Why invest in Uganda
Anna Zamparo

Investment climate
Political and macroeconomic stability, with an average GDP growth rate of 5%
Abundant natural resources
Completely liberalized foreign exchange regime
Growing middle income class and a young, fast-growing and literate population. Also, great trainable labour, as the country produces over 10.000 university graduates per year
Government commitment to private sector: the government ensures dialogue with the private sector on policy formulation and aims to keep improving the providing of infrastructure and other social services. Investment opportunities abound in several sectors (see Investment opportunities)
Perspective investors have also the opportunity of being assisted by Uganda Investment Authority, which provides pro-active assistance in all aspects for investing in Uganda (see How to invest: UIA)
Market access: Uganda is located at the heart of Sub-Saharan Africa; also, it is a member of the East African Community (EAC) and of the Commonwealth Market for Eastern and Southern African States (COMESA)
The East African Community (EAC) is an intergovernmental
organization composed of five countries: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda. The union aims at widening the co-operation among the partner nations in economic, political and social fields. To this extent, the main aspects of the organization are a Common External Tariff (CET) on imports from third countries, duty-free trade between the member states, and common customs procedures. The EAC is a potential precursor to the establishment of an East African Federation, a potential union of its member into a single sovereign state. For more information, visit http://eac.int/.
The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) covers a region with a market of over 300 million people in 20 countries. It was established “as an organisation of free independent sovereign states which have agreed to co-operate in developing their natural and human resources for the good of all their people and as such it has a wide-ranging series of objectives which necessarily include in its priorities the promotion of peace and security in the region” (from COMESA official website). Its mission is the economic and social development of the union through the cooperation and the integration of all of its member in many fields, above all in trading, monetary relations, technology and communication. Relevant information available at http://www.comesa.int/.